Tuesday, October 11

10 years from Now...

10 years from now?
College? Boarding school? or pearhap working?
hmm or maybe dress up fancy and then go out with your freinds - having funs at the mall?
Common-thinking of teens this day. Just sayin.

Well for me?
I wanna starts off with a small job like working at some bookstore or maybe bakery while waiting for my results.
Just for a while until...
Until i go for auditioning for Steward role.
Big word huh? Big stuff too.
I hope im qualified enough. I HOPE. Except for the height. My current height are 175 and i have to to gain 10 cm more and then im qualified enough.
If im not qualified? well perhaps im going to continues studying at the cooking school and then im gonna be a Pastry Chef. MY DREAM JOB EVER. And then years later im gonna have my own cafe / bakery at NY. Muahehehe. Lol

Hmm i made Dorayaki lately so here's a photos of it.

Or perhap im gonna get back to my Photographying stuffs. Imagine .. in ten years im a Chef in the same time a photographer. Lol Day dreamer much.

Whatever right? Its all about me. My future and i already saw it coming my way.
Anyway, im gonna ask you a question..
What will you be doing in next ten years?
